so, you are saying that it one dead connection fails
the sending of NOTIFYs for
all other connections as well? This sounds indeed like a bug to me.
yes because when it fails, it breaks out of the while loop on subs_array here…
you can see by the logs below that the error causes the code to exit the loop via the
"goto done;" line linked above
WARNING: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:3007]: via_builder(): TCP/TLS connection (id:
0) for WebSocket could not be found
ERROR: tm [t_msgbuilder.c:1423]: assemble_via(): via building failed
ERROR: tm [t_msgbuilder.c:1614]: build_uac_req(): error while assembling Via
ERROR: tm [uac.c:552]: t_uac_prepare(): Error while building message
ERROR: presence [notify.c:1734]: send_notify_request(): in function tm t_request_within()
ERROR: presence [notify.c:1829]: notify(): sending Notify not successful
ERROR: presence [notify.c:1585]: query_db_notify(): Could not send notify for
ERROR: presence [presence.c:739]: pres_refresh_watchers(): sending Notify requests
I will open a bug report then.
Thanks for the replies.