If the Route Header(sip:[ip add]:[port]) or Outbound Proxy(sip:[ip add]:[port]) in the PUBLISH request has no Lr parameter, the username field in 'presentity' table is null, and the domain field is also wrong. Without Lr parameter(no loose routing), the request received by Presence server is that placing the remote target URI into the Request URI(rfc 3561), and adding a Route Header with the value of the remote target URI. It seems the presence module just takes the Request-URI(which actually is the address of presence server) in the received request and save username and domain into the database. Thus, the username is null and the domain is the address of presence server. Is that right?? Why doesn't this happen in 1.2.0 version?THANK YOURegards,Kevin _________________________________________________________________ 通过 Windows Live Spaces 与朋友轻松共享您的生活。 http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create&wx_url=/friends.a...