I noticed that , with kamailio ver. 5.2.1 starting with empty rtpengine table causes strange messages in kamailio and it doesn't start
modparam("rtpengine", "db_url", "text:///tmp/kamailio/dbtext") cat /tmp/kamailio/dbtext/rtpengine id(int,auto) setid(int) url(string) weight(int) disabled(int) stamp(int)
0(2856) WARNING: tm [tm.c:760]: mod_init(): reparse_on_dns_failover is enabled on a multihomed host -- check the readme of tm module! 0(2856) WARNING: rtpengine [rtpengine_db.c:100]: rtpp_load_db(): No rtpproxy instances in database 0(2856) ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2768]: select_rtpp_set(): no rtpp_set_list->rset_first 0(2856) NOTICE: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:1664]: mod_init(): Default rtpp set 0 NOT found 1(2857) NOTICE: usrloc [udomain.c:434]: preload_udomain(): filtered by server_id[0] 2(2858) ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:1722]: build_rtpp_socks(): no more pkg memory for rtpp_socks 2(2858) ERROR: <core> [core/sr_module.c:847]: init_mod_child(): error while initializing module rtpengine (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kamailio/modules/rtpengine.so) (idx: 2 rank: 2 desc: [udp receiver child=1 sock=]) 2(2858) ERROR: <core> [core/pt.c:342]: fork_process(): init_child failed for process 2, pid 2858, "udp receiver child=1 sock=" 2(2858) CRITICAL: <core> [main.c:1633]: main_loop(): Cannot fork 4(2860) ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:1722]: build_rtpp_socks(): no more pkg memory for rtpp_socks 4(2860) ERROR: <core> [core/sr_module.c:847]: init_mod_child(): error while initializing module rtpengine (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kamailio/modules/rtpengine.so) (idx: 4 rank: 4 desc: [udp receiver child=3 sock=]) 4(2860) ERROR: <core> [core/pt.c:342]: fork_process(): init_child failed for process 4, pid 2860, "udp receiver child=3 sock=" 4(2860) CRITICAL: <core> [main.c:1633]: main_loop(): Cannot fork
any hint on what could be wrong ? (5.2.0 works perfectly) many thanks!