Hahaha, neither do the support people for SysMaster based on who I have dealth with
personally. If anyone else has an idea, I would be glad to hear it.
BTW: Does anyone know if VoiceMaster uses SER for the SIP gateway, I can't remember
where I found it, but I could swear I saw "Sip Express Router" somewhere in the
> Doug:
> Based upon what I did to get replication to work I'd say the MD5
> string is the issue. Sorry but I don't have any VoiceMaster experience so I
cannot say where to go
> next.
> -Steve
> Doug Eubanks wrote:
>> Ok, somehow I have managed to fix all but one of my problems....
>> I am still having t_replicate problems, and I believe that I have
discovered why...
>> I believe it is because the md5 strings are not matching between the
servers, however I have no
>> way to find what the MD5 string is on the second server because it is a
>> I have also tried using the forward
command instead of the t_replicate command during the
>> register process as demonstrated by a another serusers mailing list message. It
doesn't seem
>> to want to work either.
>> If I can just get this last problem
fixed without breaking anything I should be good to go.
>> Thanks for all the help so far, I am learning as I go...
>> Doug
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