Max Gregorian wrote:
Thanks very much for all the replies. I shall try and post a config and traces as soon as I can get them from the office.
do you get any errors in the logs when you experience the problems? can you see in the traces (at sip level) what are the reasons for the failed calls? like: negative replies from openser, missing sip packages, timeouts, etc.
all this information is essential to find the problem which after all can be a simple memory bottleneck or maybe something more complex.
I ran *SIPp* pointing at one of the new servers last week and at around 100CPS I was seeing about 2,000 out of approx. 10,000 calls were failing. Setup was UAC -> openser -> UAS (Both UAC and UAS were running on the same machine, but different ports). Again there is no traffic on these servers now so I have no idea why so many failed calls.
I am not sure if any of this information helps, but I am certainly open to suggestions on things to try.
regards, bogdan