is there someone that know how can i write in C this part of program that i wrote in shell in serctl (in the ping part of the prog when i do the command "serctl ping URI") :
ping) # error handling is hacked -- filter_fl should not # consume positive status -- that should be done by # calling app if [ "$#" -ne 2 ] ; then usage exit 1 fi
TIMESTAMPS=`date "+%s.%N"` print_status $TIMESTAMPS RET=`fifo_cmd t_uac_dlg OPTIONS "$2" "." \ "From: sip:daemon@$SIP_DOMAIN" \ "To: <$2>" "Contact: sip:daemon@!!" "." "." \ | head -1 ` TIMESTAMPE=`date "+%s.%N"` print_status $TIMESTAMPE TIME= echo "(${TIMESTAMPE} - ${TIMESTAMPS}) *1000" | bc -l print_status $TIME ;;
thanks a lot
ps: i need the part of the fifo_cmd etc..., not the part of timestamp (but if you know if there is the same date function in C please tell me ;) )