I am always witnessing the fact, that administration of 3rd party HA software cost you more problems, than coding your own system which you understand deeply.

That's why I've done RPC services in python which do the job for me and works in much more flexible way, than manual editing of XML files of heartbeat (which I consider a bit pain in ...). 

If I bind to non-existent IP address, than there is problem with sending OPTIONS. 

So i gave up this, it will run/kill kamailio while taking up/down virtual interface.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:32 AM, phillman25 <phillman25@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Mino

I have set up this scenario using heartbeat on both hosts and it works wonderfully.


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 08:15:28 +0200
From: Mino Haluz <mino.haluz@gmail.com>
To: "SIP Router - Kamailio (OpenSER) and SIP Express Router (SER) -
        Users   Mailing List" <sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
Subject: [SR-Users] kamailio and virtual IP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I want to do this:

2 hosts, with 2 running kamailios, every host has 1 IP address and hostA
has virtualIP assigned. kamailio should run on both hosts. I made a script
which can transfer virtual IP from hostA to hostB.

The problem is, I cannot tell kamailio to use virtualIP on hostB because,
when I set

listen=virtualIP:5060 - it cannot start because virtualIP is not present
listen= and force_send_socket(virtualIP) - it does not work as
virtualIP is not in the listen list

Some hint? I could run kamailio automatically after chaning IP address, but
it requires time to load, so it will not be as quick as I change simply the
owner of virtual IP.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list