On 07-09 22:12, Felix Schmid wrote:
This is a bug in our configuration because Contact header field shouldn't be checked in MESSAGEs. We will fix it, thanks.
Damn! I was expecting this! This will take away the last working piece from my setup :( Now I won't even be able to send IM's to myself to read them later using the webfrontend :-)
No, you will, I wrote it shouldn't check, that means MESSAGEs with private IPs in Contacts should be accepted.
And now why you get different response when you use a record-routing proxy.
If a SIP messages contains Record-Route header field then we do not check what is in the Contact, because the server will not use the header field anyway. Further messages will be sent to the URI in the Record-Route. Inserting a private IP into Contact is perfectly legal in this case because the record routing proxy might be in a private address space and probably knows how to route such requests.
As I have just posted in another mail - the record-route shows my private ip-address. ??
As I have just posted in another mail :-), we don't check what's in Record-Route (even if we should).