While I could to this as you said,  my DB Server does not have inet_aton ...
( Im using db_cassandra )

My DB simply returns a single string with a list of comma separated values.
I then used s.select and while to achieve what I wanted.

        $var(i) = 0;
        while ( $(avp(i:2){s.select,$var(i),,}) != '' ) {
          if (is_in_subnet( $si , $(avp(i:2){s.select,$var(i),,}) )) {
            << DO SOMETHING >>
          $var(i) = $var(i) + 1;

sorry for any confusion.... 
avp(i:2) looks like,

this should be fine for now, but how good would it be if ipops module could handle this in a single function call ?

On 14 January 2014 20:17, Daniel Tryba <daniel@pocos.nl> wrote:
On Monday 13 January 2014 13:06:56 jay binks wrote:
> So Im looking at a way of implementing IP Network ACL's in kamailio..
> block all except specific subnets etc..
[multiple cidrs]
> is there a benevolent kamailio developer on the list who is able to add
> this simple feature for me ?

I'm using mysql to do this, but a little math makes it work from any source.
usr_preference contains stuff like or something stricter, implicit
denies for users without acl records.

        if(!avp_db_query("select value from usr_preferences where
username='$au' and attribute='acl' and
inet_aton(substring_index(value,'/',1))&(1 << 32) - 1 & ~((1 << (32 -
substring_index(value,'/',-1))) - 1)=inet_aton('$si')&(1 << 32) - 1 & ~((1 <<
(32 - substring_index(value,'/',-1))) - 1)"))
                sl_send_reply("403", "Not Allowed by ACL");



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