On Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
> > I am looking for examples, tipps that help me to use Kamailio an
> > RTPproxy, also an example configuration
> First learn SIP (RFC 3261).
> Later read the full documentation about Kamailio (look for it in
> kamailio.org). [..]
Just a small addition, there is of course no need to read docs for modules or core parts that you don't want to use.
The example configuration that is delivered with version 1.5.1 already includes some parts for rtpproxy, take a look to the cfg header on how to enable this.
> There is no magic and fast "howto" to learn using Kamailio.
Sure, work is involved. But one also need to stop reading docs at some point and start experimenting.. :-)