Hey guys,
I'm using Radius to do pretty much everything regarding my users, i.e.
registrations, authorization, features and preferences. I implemented my own
way of doing speeddial by using AVPs provided by radius and AVPOPs module,
Here is the snippet:
AVP-SIP = speedial:30:15615551212
avp_printf("i:98","$rU:*"); #30
avp_printf("i:97","sip:$avp($temp2)@$td"); #
xlog("L_N"," SPEEDIALING: $fU is speed-dialing
if (avp_check("s:caller_speedial", "fm/$temp1/g")) {
#subst('/^To: (.*)(a)(.*)/To: "$avp($temp2)"
#append_hf("To: \"5615551212\"
xlog("L_N"," SPEEDIALING: $fU is dialing
In this scenario, im forcing it instead of getting the value from AVPs just
for ease of showing my point. The problem that I'm having is that no matter
what I do to change the To header or change the R-URI, radius ALWAYS sends
the accounting records with the original R-URI, in my case 30(a)xx.xx.xx.xx,
how can I get acc.so to send the final resulting URI
(15615551212(a)xx.xx.xx.xx) in the Called-Station-Id AVP?
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host xx.xx.xx.xx:39216, id=97,
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Service-Type = Sip-Session
Acct-Terminate-Cause = 200
Error-Cause = Invite
User-Name = "1000(a)xx.xx.xx.xx"
Calling-Station-Id = "sip:1000@xx.xx.xx.xx"
Called-Station-Id = "sip:30@xx.xx.xx.xx;user=phone"
Sip-Translated-Request-URI =
Acct-Session-Id = "000d2890-d47f01e8-1dcc30bc-7a49c7a4(a)yy.yy.yy.yy"
Sip-To-Tag = "230383F4-2AF"
Sip-From-Tag = "000d2890d47f20f54576a906-290bdc33"
Sip-CSeq = "102"
NAS-IP-Address = xx.xx.xx.xx
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 12
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 12
Sending Accounting-Response of id 97 to xx.xx.xx.xx:39216
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host xx.xx.xx.xx:39216, id=98,
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Service-Type = Sip-Session
Acct-Terminate-Cause = 200
Error-Cause = 8
User-Name = "1000(a)xx.xx.xx.xx"
Calling-Station-Id = "sip:1000@xx.xx.xx.xx"
Called-Station-Id = "sip:30@xx.xx.xx.xx;user=phone"
Sip-Translated-Request-URI =
Acct-Session-Id = "000d2890-d47f01e8-1dcc30bc-7a49c7a4(a)yy.yy.yy.yy"
Sip-To-Tag = "230383F4-2AF"
Sip-From-Tag = "000d2890d47f20f54576a906-290bdc33"
Sip-CSeq = "103"
NAS-IP-Address = xx.xx.xx.xx
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
Thanks in advance!