With the named routes it wouldn't be too difficult to follow a big config file...

just my 0.02,

2007/5/14, Jiri Kuthan <jiri@iptel.org >:
As for me I am largely in favor of having a kind of config-file "super-store" or "exchange" -- it
appears there is never enough of those :-)


At 18:01 14/05/2007, Alfred E. Heggestad wrote:
>Hi Nils
>It would be very useful to have 1 (one) big configuration file implementing
>a superset of the most popular features (nathelper, tls, presence etc..)
>and split into logical parts, so people can remove/disable unwanted features.
>If you can publish the ser.cfg for the SER running on sip: iptel.org that would
>be even better.. Nothing beats a working config from long-term deployment.
>I am currently also assisting Greger now, to get the ser.cfg build system
>up2dated with working configuration files..
>Nils Ohlmeier wrote:
>>Hello everybody,
>>as we want to provide more examples for the configuration the following the question came up:
>>Do you prefer
>>- one big example configuration
>>  - probably harder to understand
>>  - easier to maintain for us
>>- one example config file per "feature"
>>  - probably easier to understand your desired "feature"
>>  - you might have problems to integrate all your desired "features" into one config without breaking anything
>>  - harder to maintain for us, as we have to update several files :-)
>>As the configuration examples are indented to be for the community, I would like to know what you prefer or if you see other options.
>>  Nils
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