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The topic was a logging problem :
With the upgrade of my SIP Router proxies to RHEL 7 (and Kamailio 5.0.7) , we encounter problems where the logs are blocked to be written in the syslog.
This problem is similar as the one reported in this article : [SR-Users] Kamailio logs in RHEL 7 environment https://lists.kamailio.org/pipermail/sr-users/2018-April/101065.html .
The resolution was to increase some journald/rsyslog settings (RateLimitBurst=1000000 / $imjournalRatelimitInterval 1 $imjournalRatelimitBurst 500000).
But it is somehow a workaround.
Im looking to know if it should be possible for kamailio to write directly the logs to the syslog only.
Thanks in advance to those can help me.
Patrick Ginhoux
De : Ginhoux, Patrick Envoyé : lundi 22 novembre 2021 16:49 À : 'sr-users' sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org Objet : How to not write logs to journald with kamailio
With the upgrade of my SIP Router proxies to RHEL 7 (and Kamailio 5.0.7) , we encounter problems where the logs are blocked to be written in the syslog.
This problem is similar as the one reported in this article : [SR-Users] Kamailio logs in RHEL 7 environment https://lists.kamailio.org/pipermail/sr-users/2018-April/101065.html .
The resolution was to increase some journald/rsyslog settings (RateLimitBurst=1000000 / $imjournalRatelimitInterval 1 $imjournalRatelimitBurst 500000).
But it is somehow a workaround.
Im looking to know if it should be possible for kamailio to write directly the logs to the syslog only.
Thanks in advance to those can help me.
Patrick Ginhoux