On Tuesday 01 September 2015 13:45:16 Michael Nielsen wrote:
Is it possible to, if a subscriber has not entered either + or 00, to append the value from country_code of the specific subscriber to the dialled number?
And if the user has dialled 00, to replace it with +.
Offcourse that is possible, in folowwing example src_areacode is taken from usr_preferences and a no country code pattern is hardcoded to the Netherlands prefix.
if($rU=~"^[2-8][0-9]+$") { if($avp(src_areacode)=~"^+?[0-9]+$") { $rU=$avp(src_areacode)+$rU; }
if($rU=~"^00[1-9][0-9]+$") { strip(2); prefix("+"); }
if($rU=~"^0[1-9][0-9]+$") { strip(1); prefix("+31"); }