Hello, all: I am using SER interworking with Cisco26 as PSTN gateway. So far, everything goes OK but the Radius billing. There is only STOP Radius request with no START Radius request at first. I think it's due to 183 with SDP issue. But it seems early_media in ACC module didn't give it a remedy. BTW, START/STOP runs OK in intra-domain call..which including 180 without SDP in signaling loop. My ser.cfg is as below: modparam("acc", "log_level",1) modparam("acc","radius_flag",1) modparam("acc","radius_config","/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf") modparam("acc",report_ack",0) modparam("acc",early_media",1) # failed_transaction,report_cancels,radius_missed_flag...[uncommented] Who can rescue me? Thanks.