Basically I am trying to find out a way of checking for minimum and maximum digit length dialled by our users, in order to filter some of the traffic through our OpenSER server. Dialling rules aside, is there a way?
Unless I missed it, no one told the guy what he needs to know. Instead, he is pointed at a lengthy specification for posix regular expressions. I know there is value in teaching a guy to fish, but at some point someone has to just answer the question...
if (uri=~"sip:[0-9]{10,24}") { ... }
will match a sequence of digits between 10 and 24 in length (inclusive).
Now, the above is not a great test in practice. I don't know how long the longest number can be outside the North American Numbering plan (where it is relatively easy: 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX, see And there are restrictions on the first few digits that you might want to check, depending on where you are in the world.
I'm sure that someone reading this list has already got the ultimate, global, number checker coded for openser... it's just a question of whether they'll cough it up in public.