Well... For Kamailio, at the moment ProxySQL is mainly used for routing and statistic. For Asterisk, we also use a little caching. For other services, ProxySQL is also used as a "Gateway", because our DB Servers are working in a separate Network. Before we were using db_cluster module from Kamailio, it works fine, but because anyway was implemented ProxySQL for other Services, was decided to move Kamailio through it too. 

În mie., 30 oct. 2019 la 07:44, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> a scris:


thanks for sharing!

Is ProxySQL making any difference using it instead of direct connection to MySQL? Curious mainly if you use it for caching capabilities, or just routing sql...


On 29.10.19 22:34, Ilie Soltanici wrote:
We are using keepalived with virtual IP Address for Kamailio, dispatcher module for Asterisk, 2 MySQL Databases master-master replicated and 2 Servers with ProxySQL.
So far so good. 

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