Hi list.
I try to use the module dispatcher like failover, when the call is established and after the proxy is down then resend the BYE message at the next proxy using ds_select_dst("2", "4") and forward the message, but I obtain the message 503 of the failure_route[2], Any idea?? 
Thanks in advance
In my route seccion I made the next:
if (loose_route()) {
        if (search("Path")) {
        if (!add_path_received()) {
         sl_send_reply("503", "Internal Path Error");
route[5] {
failure_route[2] {
    #500, 503, 504
    if ( t_check_status("408") | t_check_status("500") | t_check_status("503") |  t_check_status("504") ) {
        if (ds_next_domain()) {
        #if (ds_next_dst()) {
            # On Failure: Choose next Proxy
            # Relay to Proxy
        } else {
            t_reply("503", "Service not available");

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