From: Martin Koenig [toplink-plannet GmbH] Sent: Wednesday, September 08,
this is not an SER problem. Loose routing is basically done in the end devices. All you can control on the server is whether the server should be in the signalling proxy chain (record_route()) and whether you want to process route-header-fields (loose_route()) or forward to the final destinanation directly (t_relay() without loose_route()).
Sorry, this is not correct. The routing mechanism (loose or strict) has to be followed by SIP proxies. Look at RFC 3261 para 16.6 step 6 where the strict routing behavior is defined: "If the copy contains a Route header field, the proxy MUST inspect the URI in its first value. If that URI does not contain an lr parameter, the proxy MUST ..."
But I expect that this behaviour is implemented in SER. In previous versions of SER there was the possibility to force SER to do only strict routing. This has been disabled now and in my previous comment I looked into the documentation which is not updated accordingly and still mentions the function strict_route(). But looking into the code of rr_mod.c you can read as a comment: "I do not want people to use strict routing so it is disabled by default, you should always use loose routing, if you really need strict routing then you can replace the last zeroes with REQUEST_ROUTE to enable strict_route and record_route_strict. Don't do that unless you know what you are really doing!"
As loose routing is the standard routing procedure as defined in RFC3261, strict routing is obsolete.
To be precise: strict routing is deprecated. If you have a strict router in a SIP router chain the proxy forwarding to a strict router has to be aware of this fact as mentioned above.
From: RUIZ Nicolas Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:10 PM
When I put strict_route at the place of loose_route, I have an error. (Module missing). Ser version is : 0.8.12. What can I modify to apply strict routing only?
Sorry I did not check that this previous function has been eliminated. But following the comment in rr_mod.c there is a possibility to force SER into strict routing (see above) behavior. Look into the code. Than you also have to use "record_route_strict" instead of "record_route".
But I have heavy doubts that this will help your problems. Do you really know why you want to fall back to a deprecated routing behavior?