Hello, list!
I currently use the debian package of OpenSER (v1.1.0-5), and I see a behaviour I do not explain with RFC's and OpenSER Documentation.
I have registered several User-Agent under the same username/domain couple in an OpenSER instance with the registrar module. When I try to call "username@domain", I expected OpenSER to call the contact with the highest q-value, and keep the other contacts into transaction branches for later use (as said in the usrloc module's documentation, in the "lookup" function description).
In spite of this, I observed that OpenSER called each contact in a parallel way, and the first UA that responds a 200 is the one that receive the final ACK, other branches are closed.
Is it wanted / intentional / normal ? Is the documentation up to date?
Whatever will your answer be, thank's a lot!
Jean-François Smigielski.
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