The way accounting works is that you tag 'calls' with the accounting flag and the module then does the magic. In the default config you find this:
flags FLAG_ACC : 1, [...] modparam("acc_db", "log_flag", "FLAG_ACC") [...]
route { [...] if (method=="INVITE" && @to.tag=="") { setflag(FLAG_ACC); } [...]
A symbolic FLAG_ACC is specified. acc_db is told to look for that FLAG_ACC. Inside the route part a message is tagged (setflag) to enable logging.
Your config reads:
modparam("acc_syslog", "log_flag", "acc.log") modparam("acc_syslog", "log_missed_flag", "acc.missed");
log_flag and log_missed_flag are no log files or such! These are the flags that could be used to tag your 'calls' with. Change the top modparam() back to "FLAG_ACC" and you should see logged calls via syslog. You then need to configure your syslogd to process the log entries properly.
Cheers, Hendrik