we are considering OpenSER for offering free SIP-based voice, video and IM services and I am trying to get an idea of the project cost.
The components we need are: - SIP stateful proxy + registrar server - location & presence server - simple2jabber - media proxy for symmetrical NAT traversal - (perhaps I forgot something here?) We'll rely on external gateways for PSTN access so that is not to be taken in consideration here.
Now can somebody give me an indication on the server park dimensioning? In other words, how many SIP servers, media proxies, ... would I need per 10000 subscribers?
The server platform could be e.g.: - operating system: Linux - hardware: HP ProLiant DL380 Generation 3 (single CPU with 1GB RAM) but of course any equivalent would do as well.
I also have a second question: which organisations in Europe offer commercial support for OpenSER?
Hope this forum is the right place for this kind of questions... I really appreciate your input,
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