sorry for the delay, I was on vacation, comments inline:
On 17-08-2005 16:52, vmathur@transnexus.com wrote:
Hi Jan,
You had mentioned in your mail that you provide binary tarballs and packages, which are kept in local repositories. Further to that, I have the following questions:
- Could you tell me the location of the repository.
We have repositories for debian and Fedora Core 4,
http://apt.sip-router.org http://yum.sip-router.org
- I am guessing that in order for me to post our package there, I would need to send it to you or is it possible for me to post it directly.
Actually I would prefer to compile it on your machines.
- When you say "packages", you mean rpm ?
deb and rpm.
- Finally, is it possible for me to create a binary of OSP enabled SER and post it there ?
Actually I would prefer to see the sources before we put it there. Moreover it should be licensed under the terms of the GPL.