Hi all
I install rtpproxy in the same host (with the public IP) than
openser. the installation of rtpproxy put rtpproxy.sock in /var/run
directory.But when i make a call between 2 clients (each client in a
different LAN), i have no voice after signalisation. And openser give
me these errors:
[root@Is-dev01 openser-1.0.0-tls]# /usr/local/sbin/openser
Listening on
udp: []:5060
tcp: []:5060
tcp: 62-128-173-101.iwayafrica.com:5060
udp: 62-128-173-101.iwayafrica.com:5060
WARNING: no fork mode
stateless - initializing
0(0) Maxfwd module- initializing
textops - initializing
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 110592
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 221184
2(0) INFO: fifo process starting: 20621
2(0) SER: open_uac_fifo: fifo server up at /tmp/ser_fifo...
2(0) INFO: no fifo_db_url given - fifo DB commands disabled!
0(20619) ERROR: force_rtp_proxy2: no available proxies
0(20619) ERROR: force_rtp_proxy2: no available proxies
0(20619) ERROR: unforce_rtp_proxy: no available proxies
What's the matter?
Best regards