On 07/07/2009 12:14 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:
According to the Kamailio 1.5.x docs, force_rtp_proxy() is deprecated
and rtpproxy_offer() and rtpproxy_answer() should be used instead.
Does that mean unforce_rtp_proxy() is also deprecated?
seems this one is not deprecated. I am still using the old style, I am
going to look at the code for more insights.
From docs, rtpproxy_offer() and rtpproxy_answer() are like aliases to
force_rtp_proxy(), having a more meaningful naming.
If so, how
should calls be cleaned up once a BYE is received? Is the orthodox
approach to simply let the streams time out on their own, or should
unforce_rtp_proxy() still be used here? What about when a CANCEL is
received while the dialog is an early state -- should
unforce_rtp_proxy() be used there too?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla