You use check_to and check_from.
As for From modification: Some UAs use From and To for matching messages in the same dialog. These are primarily older ones and allthough the general recommendation is "don't do it", I'm not sure how many of these there are out there now. Anyone?
UAC solves this by changing back and forth. g-)
----- Original Message ----- From: "sip" To: Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 03:43 PM Subject: [Serusers] Avoiding caller ID spoofing....
I think I asked this question before, but I honestly can't remember (been one of those weeks).
How can I avoid someone spoofing caller ID by just putting in fake info into their Display Name field in their UA client? I'd like to be able to replace the display name with one of my choosing (preferably based on some rules about the caller's ID... i.e. if the caller is a user on our system, replace his/her display name with the last name, first name from the DB subscriber info. If the caller is from a different system, remove the display name completely and just pass the sip info so that at least a valid identification is seen).
This involves the dreaded modification of the From: header (although it shouldn't break RFC because it doesn't actually involve modifying the URI.
Is there a reasonable way to do this or does this call for some more module hacking (maybe taking bits from the UAC module and rewriting it to accept an avp or some such) ?
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