On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Uri Shacked <uri.shacked(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Following the advice I got on the subject “remove_hf" and "append_hf" one
after the other , twice, issue”, I tried to work with the “append_branch()”
What I need to do is, after I received the invite from the original user,
I use SIP methods to work with the NP server. I subst() the user part, send
the call to the NP server, get the reply, parse it and then subst() back to
the destination and send the call out.
Doing it with “append_branch” seems logical.
I do “append_branch()” before changing the user, get the reply (301),
goes on to failure route after the branch route was called, and from there
I have a problem.
I need to continue my flow without the branch I added. How do I return to
the original on?
I read about the t_drop_replies but didn’t quit understand…..