On 8/17/07, Juha Heinanen <jh@tutpro.com> wrote:
SMP writes:

> I'm trying to implement failover using the load_contacts/next_contacts from
> the lcr module.  The problem I have is the INVITE message is sent
> simultaneously to both contact's instead of trying the first and then the
> second.  I keep getting 'load_contacts(): DEBUG: Nothing to do - all same
> q!' when I've set them up with separate q values??

check what the value of your destination set ($ds) is before you call

Sure enough, lookup() is pulling them as the same q value.  How do you get lookup("location") to recognize the q value stored in the db?

 0(20824)  Lookup done, Contact: < sip:3125551234@xxx.xxx.129.144:5060>;q=0, <sip:3125551234@xxx.xxx.129.180:5060>;q=0
 0(20824) load_contacts(): DEBUG: Nothing to do - all same q!
 0(20824)   Contacts loaded Contact: <sip:3125551234@xxx.xxx.129.144 :5060>;q=0, <sip:3125551234@xxx.xxx.129.180:5060>;q=0
 0(20824) next_contacts(): DEBUG: No AVPs -- we are done!


-- juha