Hello I use dipatcher algorithm that works with weight. I added 2 Asterisks and try to call its with my kam, but this still works like 4 algorithm. Weight does not work.
How I must configure dispatchr for working with weight?
My configuration now is
modparam("dispatcher", "db_url",DBURL)
modparam("dispatcher", "table_name", "dispatcher")
modparam("dispatcher", "setid_col", "setid")
modparam("dispatcher", "destination_col", "destination")
modparam("dispatcher", "force_dst", 1)
modparam("dispatcher", "flags", 3)
modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(i:271)")
modparam("dispatcher", "grp_avp", "$avp(i:272)")
modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(i:273)")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval",15)
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1)
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_reply_codes", "class=2;code=403;code=404;code=484;class=3")
modparam("tm", "reparse_on_dns_failover", 0)