On 28/04/2021 10.53, [ EXT ] Володимир Іванець wrote:
I'm testing call recording with Rtpengine. It works fine when the
"record-call=on" flag is added to the /rtpengine_offer/ or
/start_recording/ is used in the *request_route*.
But I was wondering if the call recording can be managed by a separate
application. So I add the following lines to the
*event_route[xhttp:request]* and triggered it with an HTTP request
after the call was established. The call-id value was taken from the
Rtpengine log and sent with the request.
/ if ($hu =~ "^/CALL_RECORD_START/") {/
/ $var(call_id) = /"call-id=" + /$(hu{s.select,2,/});/
xlog("L_DBG", "$var(call_id)");
/ start_recording($var(call_id));/
/ }/
If you have to reason to go through Kamailio for this, you can simply
trigger the command from any other external application. There's a
sample script included in the repo that can be used for this purpose
directly (making use of the Perl module that is also included):
There's also a nodejs client that I'm aware of:
Or you can hand-roll the request and talk to rtpengine via HTTP or
Websocket for example.