On 07/07/2011 02:51 PM, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Thursday 07 July 2011, Roberto Fichera wrote:
Do you know what does means the warning below? [..] 68.2.50 Jul 6 11:54:17 roberto /usr/sbin/kamailio[20457]: WARNING: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:884]: unable to find dialog for NOTIFY with route param '7d2.14447fc4' [727:1291273281]
This means that the module can't find an existing (stored) dialog for the routed message in question, in this case a NOTIFY.
Does this depends by the fact of own the dlg_bridge() works? And in case, how can I solve that problem?
Hi Roberto,
Hi Henning,
I'm not 100% sure, I'm not the expert for dlg_bridge.. To be more specific (after discussion with Timo..) - the warning is emmited if the module can't find the dialog with the ID added as a route parameter to the respective message. One particiular reason is (if you don't store the dialogs in a database) a simple kamailio restart, then all existing dialog information is lost.
actually I've the following setup:
#!define DBURL "postgres://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser"
modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag", 2) modparam("dialog", "bridge_controller", "sip:controller@") modparam("dialog", "db_url", DBURL )
Actually, my thought is that problem is more strictly related to the dlg_bridge() which might not track the bridged dialog.
Anyway, I'm playing with dlg_bridge() because I want to realize the logic so that two peers, and if possible more, can talk together only if authorized. The authorization might be a unique tag or transaction id, stored in a database, and valid only for the give conversation {tag, caller, callee} once started, than the tag become invalid and can't be used again.
I really like to have some suggestions about how to realize such logic, so which might be the best way to approach such problem since I'm actually a novice to Kamailio or in general with OpenSer logic. I'm actually more confident with Asterisk logic.
Best regards,