To see the tables that exist:
> show tables;
If you get a message saying "no database selected" select a database with
>use mysql; or >use ser;, depending on what database you want to use.
SER database doesn't have a user table, it has a subscriber table. MYSQL has a user table.
These are the tables :
| Tables_in_mysql           |
| columns_priv              |
| db                        |
| func                      |
| help_category             |
| help_keyword              |
| help_relation             |
| help_topic                |
| host                      |
| tables_priv               |
| time_zone                 |
| time_zone_leap_second     |
| time_zone_name            |
| time_zone_transition      |
| time_zone_transition_type |
| user                      |
| Tables_in_ser         |
| acc                   |
| active_sessions       |
| aliases               |
| config                |
| domain                |
| event                 |
| grp                   |
| location              |
| missed_calls          |
| pending               |
| phonebook             |
| preferences           |
| reserved              |
| server_monitoring     |
| server_monitoring_agg |
| silo                  |
| subscriber            |
| uri                   |
| version               |

>After installing mysql 5.0.3 and running
>mysql> select * from user;
>ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'ser.user' doesn't exist
>Any help is grealty appreciated
>Serusers mailing list