We are having issues with the memcached module (Kamailio 4.0.0) .
All of a sudden we are getting this kind of messages in the logs, and the values for the
requested keys are not retrieved.
ALERT: memcached [memcached.c:189]: ALERT: memcached: mcm_fetch_cmd():1305: memcache(4)
protocol error: STORED#015#012VALUE 29515_HA1 0
ALERT: memcached [memcached.c:189]: ALERT: memcached: mcm_fetch_cmd():1176: memcache(4)
protocol error: server sent data for key not in request
I suspect that at some point there was a network problem between the memcached server and
Kamailio that triggered this abnormal behavior and I also suspect that it is
connected with the (old) libmemcache library (libmemcache-1.4.0.rc2) .
This is fixed only with a Kamailio restart.
Has anyone experience this ? Is there a fix ?
I noticed that the Kamailio from the trunk compiles the memcached module with the more new
libmemcached library from here:
https://launchpad.net/libmemcached/+download .
Maybe this is one of the reasons libmemcache is going to be dropped ?
Thank you very much.