
probably this is because app_perl needs to make all symbols available, to be seen by the interpreter.

Can you try to load dialog module before app_perl, or the other way around? I will look for a fix anyhow, just wanted to see if the order matters.


On 11/6/13 10:42 AM, mayamatakeshi wrote:
I am using kamailio 4.0.

I am experimenting with module app_perl.
Actually, I am not using it, I am just loading it because it solves this problem when loading snmpstats:
/usr/lib/libnetsnmpagent.so.10: undefined symbol: boot_DynaLoader

However, before using app_perl i was seeing this:

# kamctl fifo get_statistics dialog active_dialogs
dialog:active_dialogs = 1

But with app_perl loaded, I see this:

# kamctl fifo get_statistics dialog active_dialogs
app_perl:active_dialogs = 1

So, is app_perl intercepting stats requests that should be handled by module dialog?
Is this expected? And, is there any performance penalty on having this handled by perl?


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