Thanks for the pointer to the doc. I have actually read this before.
From the doc:
INVITE caller From: controller To: caller SDP: on hold
What is "on hold"?
-----Original Message----- From: Jiri Kuthan [] Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 8:45 AM To: Franklin, Allen; Klaus Darilion; Subject: RE: [Serusers] Summary of using SER as an app server
At 02:29 PM 10/6/2004, Franklin, Allen wrote:
I am curious to see how (even if) the SDP is handled by an app using ser's app server fifo. Does ser give an app access to SDP payloads? Can the app specify the SDP payload on an outbound call (outbound w/respect to ser)? Can the app see the SDP payload on an inbound call (inbound w/respect to ser)? Can the app specify which codec to use on a reply to an INVITE? All of these features are required in order for the app to initiate a (meaningful) call via ser.
Mr Kuthan and Mr Darilion mentioned the click-to-dial feature of serweb as an example of initiating a call from ser. Does ser participate in the SDP in click-to-dial, or does it just let the endpoints negotiate SDP? Where is the click-to-dial source code? I browsed serweb's cvs but I can't find it.
documentation will certainly be a help to you