Hi community,

We are discussing internally the deprecated modules. Some are referred to control traffic limits, we are in favor to keep the field clean and remove deprecated not-updated modules. So in order to cover the following use cases, which modules do you recommend? how are you covering it currently?
So, we are not looking to keep them, the simpler and cleaner project, the best for all. So we are in favor to deprecated them. But, what alternatives do you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

Santiago Troncoso
Product Manager @ Quobis
e: santiago.troncoso@quobis.com | t: +34902999465 

O mar., 14 de nov. de 2023 ás 13:51, Daniel-Constantin Mierla via sr-users (<sr-users@lists.kamailio.org>) escribiu:

during the Kamailio Developers Meeting 2023 in Dusseldorf that took
place last week, it was proposed to obsolete modules that seem to be
unmaintained and no activity about them was noticed during the past
years. It is quite some overhead in packaging them and trying to keep
them compiling when they have external dependencies, therefore such step
should spare some resources in the future.

The list (see below) was built based on the options of those present at
the meeting, now we want to discuss it on the larger communities of
developers and users. If you are using any of these modules or you think
any of them worth keeping, reply with the names of the modules that you
want to be kept.

The proposed action is to relocate the obsoleted modules to a new git
repository "kamailio-obsolete" to still keep some visibility to them and
in the eventually of future interest on any of them, it can be
reintroduced in the main repository.

 Next is the initial list of modules proposed to be considered obsolete:

- app_java
- app_lua_sr
- app_mono
- app_python
- app_sqlang
- auth_identity
- call_control
- db2_ldap
- db2_ops
- db_cassandra
- db_perldvdb
- dnssec
- domainpolicy
- h350
- mediaproxy
- osp
- peering
- print
- print_lib
- pua_xmpp
- ratelimit
- uid_auth_db
- uid_avp_db
- uid_domain
- uid_gflags
- uid_uri_db
- uri_db
- xmpp
- xprint


Daniel-Constantin Mierla (@ asipto.com)
twitter.com/miconda -- linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Consultancy and Development Services
Kamailio Advanced Training -- asipto.com

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