I'm not sure offhand how to forcefully override the q-value provided by the client. However, if you have two types of clients, (a) one that sends a q=0.5 value and (b) others that send no value, you can set default_q to 0.5.
-- Alex
On Dec 9, 2024, at 10:53 am, Benoit Panizzon benoit.panizzon@imp.ch wrote:
Hi Alex
Thank you again for your help.
To make this work, all contacts need the same q value.
But I have not figured out, how to set this q value.
I have a client, which is sending a q=0.5 attribute with the contact header. No matter what I attempt, this is the value which is put into the location database.
modparam("registrar", "xavp_cfg", "reg") modparam("registrar", "default_q", 300)
$xavp(reg=>q) = 400;
$var(saveuri) = "sip:" + $aU + "@" + $rd; $var(result) = save("location","0x00","$var(saveuri)");
What am I missing to make reg=>q work?
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
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