On 5.6.4, i’m trying to perform mwi pua_json, but cannot get it working.
I have a doubt about my json and spent some time to make variations on json without success.
Does one of you played with it and can tell me if something is wrong about this json ? {
"Event-Package":"message-summary", "Event-Name":"update" "expires":3600, "From":sip:ccoca@dff.com, "To":sip:ccoca@dff.com, "Message-Account":sip:ccoca@dff.com, "Messages-Waiting":"yes", "MWI-Voice-Message":"2/8 (0/0)", "Messages-New":"2", "Messages-Saved":"8", "Messages-Urgent":"0", "Messages-Urgent-Saved":"0", "From-Realm":"dff.com", "From-User":"ccoca", "Call-ID":0_845806535@,
Regards, David