
And the same goes for removing headers like the stripping that loose_route() does?

So consequtive calls to loose_route() will actually check same route-header twice?,
Or will the first actually remove a route: (if it matches "us") ?

Thanks a lot for the quick reply!


Daniel-Constantin Mierla skrev:


adding a new header is not reflected immediately in the sip message, just before the relaying. The changes over the initial sip message are kept is a special list, like a diff against original message.

So, append_hf("Route: xx") followed loose_route() didn't work for sure in any of the openser versions. You have to use dst uri:

$du = "sip:ip:port";


On 12/17/07 22:29, Taisto Qvist wrote:
Hi Guys,

I have been trying all day, to create "static routing" in my openser-proxy(1.3).

My openser-script is based on the default, so what I am doing is just:

if ( loose_route() )
    // strip of preloaded route is NOT being done here??

if ( isToMe() )
    // Do local logic
    // forward this via proxyX
        append_hf("Route: <sip:;lr>\r\n");
    if (loose_route() )
       // I always end up here...loose_route() always returns false...
       // because its looking at the first route, that should have been stripped off...

I have added lots of traces to lookup.c, and according to those, it seems that the preloaded
route is not stripped off properly?
Once I get too the second "loose_route()", that function IS STILL looking at the first
preloaded route, which should have been stripped in the first "if".
I am getting the feeling that the "deletion/stripping" of the first, preloaded, Route, is not
done directly, causing the second check, to find the first...

My work-around is naturally to use setdsturi(), but I thought that loose_route() should be able
to do all this for me...?

Also, this used to work, in version 1.1, about year ago :-)

Any toughts?

Taisto Qvist


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