On 21/01/2021 00.32, mahesh prasad behera wrote:
Hi Team,

We are using sipwise rtpengine on platform centos 7. To get call related statistics from rtpengine. We tried to use utils "rtpengine-ng-client" and "rtpengine-ctl". But for us both of them are not working.

Rtpengine process status:
[root@ctl utils]# ps -ef |grep rtpengine
root      3924   668  0 00:11 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto rtpengine
root     20502 20499  0 Jan19 ?        00:10:02 ../sbin/rtpengine -f --num-threads 4 -i pub/ -i priv/ -n -c -m 32001 -M 32500 -T 184 -o 90 -d 4 -s 900 -p /var/run/rtpengine1.pid --scheduling rr --priority 37
[root@ctl utils]#

When i ran rtpengine-ng-client, I was getting Bencode.pm missing so I have manually installed perl bencode library "perl-Convert-Bencode-1.03-9.el7.noarch.rpm"  
Now when i ran rtpengine-ng-client i am getting below error 
[root@ctl utils]# ./rtpengine-ng-client list
Undefined subroutine &Bencode::bencode called at /usr/local/lib64/perl5/NGCP/Rtpengine.pm line 33.  

That's a different Perl module (Convert::Bencode instead of Bencode). If there's no RPM for the Bencode module, you should be able to install it through CPAN.
When i ran  ./rtpengine-ctl -ip list , We are not getting any valid response from rtpengine.
[root@ctl utils]# ./rtpengine-ctl -ip list
Inside do while after call socket->recv(response, 1024*1024*10)

Not sure what this is about, but `list` is not a complete CLI command. Try `list sessions all`. You can also talk to the CLI port with something like netcat, e.g. `echo list sessions all | nc localhost 8500`
