Hello, I am using SER + MySQL, and I had a problem.
When I used the WM software to register against the SER in the Location table only had in the contact field the domain of WM, I meant
The first message was: -> SIP/2.0 200 OK..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From:sip:gagonzal@cursovoip.com;tag=09c07cd1-f595-4fff-bcf9-7b12e6721bf5.. To:sip:gagonzal@cursovoip.com;tag=b27e1a1d33761e85846fc98f5f3a7e58.7529..Call-ID: 1ee7bb57-9c25-4e65-b4ac-4264317ebe7d@ CSeq: 2 REGISTER.. Contact:sip:;expires=1200..Server: Sip EXpress router (0.9.3(i386/linux)).. Content-Length: 0..Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=9156 req_src_ip= req_src_port=1083 in_uri=sip:cursovoip.com out_uri=sip:cursovoip.com via_cnt==1"
serctl ul show
...Record(0xb5ebff88)... domain: 'location' aor : 'gagonzal' ~~~Contact(0xb5ec01f8)~~~ domain : 'location' aor : 'gagonzal' Contact : 'sip:' Expires : 1157 q : Call-ID : '1ee7bb57-9c25-4e65-b4ac-4264317ebe7d@' CSeq : 2 User-Agent: 'Windows RTC/1.0' received : '' State : CS_SYNC Flags : 0 next : (nil) prev : (nil)
Someone knows how could I change the behavior of windows messanger to send the contact field like that (sip: without specific information of the user? or Someone knows how could I prepare SER to manipulate the REGISTER message and put in the contact field in the location table the information from URI ??
Thanks in advance.
Geovany Andrés González Ruiz Curriculum Lead (CL) CATC (Cisco Academy Trainig Center) Colombia-Ecuador Universidad Nacional de Colombia http://cnap.unalmed.edu.co