Hi. I found some additional scenario when kamailio works incorrect with ACK Cseq after succesfull auth with uac_auth but unsuccesfull call:
1.Caller via kamailio as proxy (Cseq 1)
2.Kamailio resends call to provider with Auth method (Cseq 1)
3. Provider answers 401/407 (Cseq 1)
4. Kamailio inrases Cseq and sends invite with credentians (dialog track_cseq_updates = 1, uac_auth()) (Cseq 2)
5. Provider says - 404. not found (Cseq 2)
6. Kamailio resends INVITE to another server (lets say VM). It contans not tracked yet Cseq (Cseq 1)
7. VM server says 200 (Cseq 1)
8. Kamailio resends 200 to the caller (Сseq 1)
9. Caller says ACK (Cseq 1)
10. Kamailio incrases CSeq of ACK and resends t VM server (Сseq 2)
So in this case kamialio tries to track Sceq because thining that this ACK belongs to the dialog that was made to the auth server
So as I see here is a misunderstanding on the dialog module
Any suggestions how to avoid it or exclude resent INVITE from the dialog module tracking?