Hi! Im using kamailio 5.1.8 with app_lua and getting this message during startup of kamailio. Looks like I forgot to add something at the module setup, but cant figure out what is wrong. My setup of app_lua is:
modparam("app_lua", "load", "/etc/kamailio/extended/main.lua") modparam("app_lua","reload",1) modparam("app_lua","register","textops")
app_lua [app_lua_sr.c:1599]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): invalid Lua environment attributes or parameters
starting kamailio service with kamailio -f /etc/kamailio/extended/main.lua
Also here is little bit confusing me that in case of use "KSR" everywhere I'm getting message about "sr"...
Thx in advice