
this looks like syslog filtering. Can you start kamailio with the parameters '-E -ddd' and see if the logs are printed in the terminal?

I think you noticed already that pv module has to be loaded.


On 17/03/15 14:38, Juan Perez wrote:
I installed 4.2 and I am using the same config file form my current version 1.5.2, but none of my custom logs (xlog) are being printed in the log file, even after rising the debug level, the only messages I see are DEBUG

these are my settings:

loadmodule "xlog.so"

# ----- xlog parms ------
modparam("xlog", "buf_size", 4096)

Sample uses:
xlog("L_INFO","mylog: Main logic started.\n");

xlog("L_INFO","mylog: Switchover Activated!\n");
xlog("L_INFO","mylog: Redundancy test, last 11 digits [$var(number)].\n");
xlog("L_INFO","mylog: Too Many Hops.\n");

am I missing something ?

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