Dear list users,
I encounter an issue when reloading a hash table using FIFO command. My hash is getting a list of "Username / Serial Number" from SQL for each phone connecting to Kamailio. Then I use this hash to authenticate the phone based on a X-SerialNumber attribute.
This hash has to be updated once or twice a day, to accomodate new users or a change of the Phone.
I'm using the following command for reloading: /opt/kamailio/sbin/kamctl fifo sht_reload hash_cpe_serial
Everything is working fine, but after 25-26 reload I have an error like this: 500 ERROR Reloading data
The only way to recover is do a restart with ./kamctl restart
The hash size has approximatively 22 000 users.
The hash has been defined like this in the configuration file: modparam("htable", "htable", "hash_cpe_serial=>size=14;dbtable=subscriber;")
When using kamcmd, i have this: kamcmd> htable.listTables { name: ipban dbtable: dbmode: 0 expire: 300 updateexpire: 1 size: 256 } { name: hash_cpe_serial dbtable: subscriber dbmode: 0 expire: 0 updateexpire: 1 size: 16384 }
When trying to dump with kamcmd, I have an error: kamcmd> htable.dump hash_cpe_serial error: 500 - Internal server error processing '{': buffer too small (overflow) (-2)
But it works fine with: /opt/kamailio/sbin/kamctl fifo sht_dump hash_cpe_serial
I have upgraded from 3.2.2 to 4.0.0 to be sure that it was not relative to the old version, but without success.
Any idea on how to correct this.
Kind regards, rod