Sending OPTIONS/INFO keep-alives should be possible from the registrar. Sending just CRLF for keep-alive can only be done by the outboundproxy.
You could save() the REGISTER before forwarding to the REGISTRAR (or in a reply route if response=200 OK) and set the natping flag before.
Then the oubtoundproxy should do the keepalive.
regards klaus
Am 13.05.2011 12:49, schrieb Asgaroth:
Hi All,
I have a scenario where our registrar's are sitting behind our sip proxy. The sip proxy is the only system that has access to the outside world. Our registrar's are all on internal private addresses.
I am trying to configure our registrar's to perform nat pinging. However, because the registrar's are on an internal address there is no way for the nat ping to get out. I enabled the path option so that the registrar stores the path that the registration comes in on. However it doesnt seem like the nathelper module uses the path parameter to send the outgoing nat ping. I tried the nat ping using sip method INFO, but the same applies, it does not appear to be able to send out via the outbound proxy.
I tried to enable the natping option on the sip proxy, but it appears that only registrations with a socket address of the local host will get pinged, or else it is ignored.
Is there an option that I am missing for the nat helper module that will enable me to set an outbound proxy for the nat ping messages?
Any insight would be appreciated.
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