I can't tell you all how worrying another fork of SER or OpenSER is to me. 

I have worked, known, or at least met most of the people in SER -> OpenSER -> OpenSIPS groups in some fashion over the last five or six years starting back with Jiri and Bogdan at iptel. 

I obviously don't understand what's going on that could possibly cause a project fork but I think I can speak for a number of people as a former commercial support customer, present user, source tinkerer, and occasional consultant - when I say that this really does put a dark cloud over ALL of the projects. 

To start splitting up the core developers -again- between projects, to me, seems absolutely insane!

This makes me extremely nervous going forward with either project and I will be (as most will be) watching closely as this situation continues to unfold and details emerge.

 - Darren



On Aug 4, 2008, at 3:53 AM, Henning Westerholt wrote:

Hi all,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu prepared this fork from Kamailio (formerly known as
OpenSER) since July. This was done secretly, we were not aware of this. We've
all done a great amount of work to resolve the existing trademark issues and
create a better organisational backing for the project. Many contributors
tried hard to improve the quality of the code base, a big number of bug and
documentation fixes were done, doxygen code documentation was greatly

Because of the project renaming our release schedule needed some adaptions. We
discussed this in the last week on the developer list and found a new release
date for Kamailio [1]. Version 1.4.0 will be released on the thursday, the 7.


Henning Westerholt

[1] http://lists.kamailio.org/pipermail/devel/2008-July/014926.html

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