are the other module names in lowercase or upper case? I am at ClueCon with limited resources to start up a ruby environment for testing.
I will look at the difference of the code between the two revisions and see if I can spot something quickly.
Meanwhile, if you make a pull request with the equivalent of the other routing scripts in misc/examples/kemi would be great ... I actually wanted to ask you do it at some point, but since you mentioned now, it's good to express my interest as well...
Hey Daniel,
They certainly seem to be, here’s a snippet:
{"func": {"ret": "xval","module": "pv","name": "getw","params": "str"}}, {"func": {"ret": "xval","module": "pv","name": "gete","params": "str"}}, {"func": {"ret": "xval","module": "pv","name": "getvn","params": "str, int"}}, {"func": {"ret": "xval","module": "pv","name": "getvs","params": "str, str"}}, {"func": {"ret": "bool","module": "pv","name": "seti","params": "str, int"}}, {"func": {"ret": "bool","module": "pv","name": "sets","params": "str, str"}},
I’ve just done a fresh deploy with the same playbook to a new instance, but using dev-4 (6d43eacd6d5b78fe857267e70b7fa85519a7d5b6) instead of dev-7 (bd477f5bb938a05efab76fb096cf5ac780d65c45) and it works perfectly, so it must be a change in between the two.
I was going to add in a ruby example config to https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/tree/master/misc/examples/kemi a while ago, but I keep getting caught up with other things. Would it be helpful here for testing if I did this and put in a pull request? I’ll see if I can get that done tonight (I guess today EU time!)
On 6 Aug 2019, at 2:27 am, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:
there was a change to use the core PV functions, not those implemented
in app_ruby, so this might have broken something.
Can you run kamailio master branch with jsonrpcs module loaded and then
kamctl rpc app_ruby.api_list
See if the PV functions are listed int the output.
On 05.08.19 15:19, Andrew White wrote:
Hey all,
I’m setting up a dev-7 (bd477f) server to test as per the other thread, however I’m getting the following loading my config:
ERROR: app_ruby [app_ruby_api.c:465]: sr_kemi_ruby_exec_func_ex(): invalid ruby environment attributes or parameters
I’m unsure what this error means - are there expected environment variables or other values that must be set? I didn’t see this issue in dev-4.
I thought it might be not able to find the library, but I ran with debug=4 and saw:
DEBUG: app_ruby [app_ruby_api.c:193]: ruby_sr_init_child(): test execution without error
ERROR: app_ruby [app_ruby_api.c:107]: app_ruby_print_last_exception(): exception: undefined method `>' for false:FalseClass
I changed kamailio.cfg to load my generic routing script, and during the onreply_manage it runs:
scode = KSR::PV.get("$rs”)
This now returns false (which appears to be the second error above, I check if scode is > 599).
Has anything changed in the way ruby is loaded in dev-7? I’m using the same ruby/ruby-devel library versions on the same OS. I did this deploy the same with devel-4 a few weeks ago and this didn’t happen.
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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda