OK, I understand your problem. Please read <carefully> Asterisk Wiki for sip.conf at:
To register, you just need to insert this into general section of Asterisk's sip.conf:
[general] ; Register with a SIP provider - register username at SER as local_asterisk_extension at Asterisk
register => username:digest_password@your.ser.server/local_asterisk_extension
[your.ser.server] type=friend host=your_ser.server username=username
-- Arek
Voipers Portugal wrote:
But what do I have to add? I can add a user, with username Asterisk, but how can I associate that user to the INVITE message from Asterisk to the SER? Don't understand how SER can authenticate if i cannot associate the RADIUS/LDAP user to the Asterisk box.
Jose Simoes