I am a newbie to the world of VIOP. I am attempting to set up an ATA with SIP.
I created a SIP at account
iptel.com and received an email
confirmation stating "We are reserving the following SIP address for
you: sip:larry.baumbach@iptel.org".
I tried to testing this address in Xlite but got messages saying:
"Account failed to enable. Account Iptel could not be enabled.
Verify your user ID, password and authorization name.
When I set up the SIP account in Xlite I used:
UserID: larry.baumbach(a)iptel.org ( I also tried
"larry.baumbach" & "sip:larry.baumbach@iptel.org")
Password: my password
Authorization name: (I left blank as I did not receive any)
I can log into SERweb with the same UserID and Password and access my account.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there some kind of wait time before my
SIP address is activated?
I have spent too much time trying to get this to work on my own.
Thanks very much for any help you can provide.
Larry Baumbach